Flowing water.

I stand on the rails

Looking at the foam on the surface

It does intrigue, lying at the bottom of the river

Nothing but pain in the lungs.

Then nothing but black and coldness.

To some that would seem less then perfect

People say their worse fear is to die alone

For me ill make sure I die on my own

So the rain comes down

My hand grasps the pole, till I let go!

In the 3 meter drop, I figured it out

The reason why I couldn’t see past you

I didn’t want to, you were just an excuse

I was like this long ago, to bad no one will ever know

I couldn’t have it all, greed’s the reason I fall.

I hit the water, everything goes blurry

Taste of salt and grime, peace still fills my mind

What the fuck have I gotten myself into this time!

Im drowning, but I can swim, but I don’t even try.

The will power is magnificent. I don’t panic, I don’t cry

I could save my self but something tells me it’s better if I die

I hit the bottom of the river; still feel the pressure of flowing water

I cant bring myself to fight tonight, I close my eyes and die,

See a big bright light…

After suicide. Yeah right.

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