what lies at the end of the rainbow

What do the colors show us

whats at the end of the rainbow?

Is it the wee lepurchauns idea?

Gold!!! they shout with such glee

Is it gold??? or Salvation? or Hope?

Do the vibrant colors collide?

And form a masterpiece????

Do the dpts of the beauty lie at the end?

Will secrets be reveled?

Will fears go away?

So what does end at a rainbow?

After the depresssing rain

Here comes this bright glinty wonder!!!!

It shows the world love!!!!

It reunites peace!

THe rainbow!!

what lies at the end of the rainbow?

Can we skip across the slanted strips?

and be swallowed into the joyness of the world?

What lies at the end of the RAINBOW?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I HAD TO WRITE THIS POEM!! rainbows are so unique

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