...: My Baby Sister :...


I'm blessed to call you sister,

I also call you my friend;

You've loved me unconditionally,

And stood through thick and thin.

You've shared my joys and sorrows,

My laughter and my tears.

You've been my inspiration,

As we grew up through the years.

When we were little children

We laughed and played together;

Then growing up you stood by me,

Through good and stormy weather.

There's something God has given us,

That's more than just family;

He's placed a love for you, my Sister,

Deep down in the heart of me.

Remembering the day of 14 years prior,

It was a day that I'll nil forget.

God's made many sister's, He should retire,

But this one is the best one yet.

I look at you and see myself

And everything else in the future that may

Be reality, but still I cannot help

But wish you the most wonderful birthday.

I love you, Alicia!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Alicia Douglas, the best baby sister anyone could ever dream of having. Happy birthday, sis =)

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