McKinney Horcrux

My Portfolio
I have 6 items posted! Click here to view...
London, England! Or maybe Donagal, Ireland...I forget.

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I love writing, playing soccer, reading, playing soccer, acting, reading, playing soccer, theatre stuff, reading, watching movies, reading and playing soccer.

Anything else you wanna know you can ask me yourself. ;)

About My Navel

*poke, poke*
My navel goes IN!
It doesn't poke out!
If you poke it hard,
You'd better watch out! ^_^

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

A champion is someone who is bent over, sweating, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching.''
~Anson Dorrance, coach of USWNT

There are really a lot more, but...


Member for
19 years 40 weeks