Peace in your Heart



May today you have peace within you,
the peace that passes all understanding.


 May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
Be still and know that God hasn't forgotten you.

May God"s Spirit lead you to greener pastures.
Let not your mind be troubled, be still.

May you go on to fulfill your destiny and achieve more then you can
Be confidant that truth will guide you.

May your life be enriched by God, in so being a sweet fragrance to him.
Let the blessings of God overflow in your life!


May your friends who have been sent by God; encourage you and lift you to your feet.

One word can be like a breath of fresh air.


 May the wind of change, fill your sails with hope, taking you out of the dol' drums.

Having been filled and full of gusto; return the favour refresh and lift up your friends also,

when they are down, becalmed, listless and dry.



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" be still and know that i am there"...yes i relate to this are one special man ...and we have yet to see just how this very much...laine