You have heard it said, “No gain without the pain!”
Just like an elite athlete who has to go through it all again.
Pain in the positive keeps us from harm,
Imagine a world filled with amputees, what a qualm.
When you feel pain whether severe or mild,
You always have sympathy, especially with a child.
I have felt pain just like you; we live in this cursed world you see,
We can't escape the knocks and bumps, even falling from a tree.
In my life I have lived with constant physical pain, a dark shadow you can't shake,
I looked for relief and longed for a break.
Pain killers we all have taken,
but after some time the pain returns then we feel forsaken.
Once, I had my throat slashed open, and lived to tell the tale,
no anesthetic could be given me, to no avail.
Have you ever felt the pain of a broken heart?
I’m sure many have, time will heal you to make a new-start!
Take the marathon runner, the pain of breaking through “the Wall”
Yes, a second wind they say, after they’ve given their ALL!
The ache of being alone, missing the someone to love,
hope of finding the one who’ll fit like a glove.
The pain and anguish of defeat, whether inside or out.
A time of reflection on what could have been, without a doubt.
There will come a time and a day, you will be set-free,
standing on life's dais, shouting VICTORY!
The pain of child-birth only women have to bear,
after your baby comes into the world, a gush of unbridled joy and pleasure without a care.
Jesus, took your pain and sorrow!
For *you* to be healed ~ to live for tomorrow!
In this life, we all have pains and trials, be it physical, emotional, or mental,
gve love to someone with a kind word, not accidental.
When next, you meet someone hurting, give them a hug, encourage them with comfort and hope,
then the World will be a better place, by giving them Love to cope.
Columbo Star
I agree. There's always pain, some way shape or form... Its what we allow that pain to make of us..that's what makes the endurance worth it -or not. No matter what we go through...we can make it. With affection, Belle @}->->---
Belle Sims