Many are called but, few are chosen
For the Lord in His wisdom He has spoken
Many desire and wish that they could be
Standing in the Pulpit for everyone to see
Some think it’s glamorous, being in the lime light
They’ll never really know, cause you have to stand upright
The preacher’s life is open for all to see
Just one slip and he’s history
Many it seems are like round pegs in square holes!
Whether round or square, they’re there to save souls!
They may not be the silver tongued speaker
Delivering a message straight from the your souls keeper
There is a lot of froth, bubble and squeak
As we sit there and listen to him speak
Without the anointing and ability to proclaim
It’ll all sound so pithy and inane
So many stories the preacher tells
Captivating, enthralling as he draws from his wells
Living water to quench your soul
For the thirsty and not so whole
Preachers come in all shapes and forms
Flamboyant, ostentatious, and just plain ole norm
How will they hear without a preacher?
Itching ears waiting for a teacher
The preacher has to be counselor, advocate and sometimes mother too
Who does he turn to when tempted,under pressure,and blue
He’s required to Baptize, marry and do a funeral or two
All things to all people,including you!
Many a preacher falls into sin,a second chance is very slim. ‘You’, can be forgiven for all the things, ‘You’ do!
Not the preacher though, his futures grim, forgiving comes easy - but, forgetting, is so hard to do!
If it was up to the Lord, He would pay him a lot
But the old congregation, just plain ole forgot
Many a sermon goes over your head!
You only realize it, when your DEAD!!
There’s Billy, Jimmy and good ole John
God bless em all, for now there’re all gone
Don’t touch the Lord’s anointed
Many have dared to, and have been disappointed
Fire ‘n’ Brim stone some do preach, judgment, wrath, famine and plague
Oh, Lord - forgive me I prayed
The preacher’s finger pointing at you and me!
Forgetting where the other three, point at thee!
The congregation can only take so much drilling
That’s when you know it doesn’t sound thrilling
If after twenty minutes the preacher hasn’t struck oil?!
Author Columbo Star
A good poem that hits home. The ending is rather weak but the rest of the poem speaks of many important things. I believe that every Christian who professes to be a follower of Christ is a preacher. After all, our Lord and Saviour commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the good news to everyone. The Great Commission is not reserved only for the preachers who stand behind a pulpit. Every Christian is a preacher and their sphere of influence - whether at work, at home, their hobbies, even their poetry - is a pulpit! Thank you for this poem :-)
Check out my poetry book - as I write it!
How lucky I am
To have my *own* preacher man
A Christian I wanted
But God said "I have not forgotten"
Your prayers have been answered
I am sending you a hard hitting man of action
*Thank you* to the preacher man.
A good poem Columbo...... well written and from experiences you know well I can see...... follow the dream and make it happen....... Sasha_J