Wool smells like a rusty memory

Wool smells like a rusty memory of pumping blood.
In winter I will wear a dead woman’s coat.
Fingering things left in pockets
Like rosary beads,
My childish fingertips sneak deep into fabric folds, eager for the shock
Of this intimacy with nothingness.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm hoping interested persons will stop by my blog, www.coffeewithleonardcohen.com.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

the title of this poem really

the title of this poem really pulled me in, I love it!

and I am not going to lie the poem was not what I was expecting from it which I also love!

Much Love


Beavis's picture

I'm fascinated with the way

I'm fascinated with the way the past sometimes lingers and the connections that often come unbidden. Beautifully written!