Virulently promising, one foot more
through the door, even the hinges creak
under standing, Everytime is only heavenly
in its perfection.
Why is the salesmanship so slippery?
Lost in gazes that meant to listen,
Now, reduced to slumber in petalling words.
My Last Visit To Church
The preacher wanted a fifth collection plate passed, the old man two pews behind me started snoring through the sermon that shed many misconceptions like old roses in a water spent vase.
A new venture, not what was expected.
I get those confused.
Lady .
I hadn't had church in mind
I hadn't had church in mind when I wrote it but your comment has helped me see it from a completely different angle. Thanks Lady A, great insight as ever! xP
This reminds me very much of
This reminds me very much of some of the early French symbolist poems---succinct and evocative.
Thanks Starward for the
Thanks Starward for the lovely comment. xP