Hadrian's Construction In Jerusalem

[an original hypothesis]


Of course I can give you directions, Sir.
You serve the Emperor?---Chief Engineer?
From Rome, so to these parts a foreigner,
you would not know the local landmarks here.
The plan for this construction is quite dear
to Hadrian's heart---where the rites of Venus
will be performed; on top of Calvary,
or Golgotha, he says it must be placed.
Oh, noble Sir, whatever do you mean? Us?
Christians? What? Do I look like one to you?
Let me prove what I am by what I do.
You have been misinformed. Someone has faced
you in the wrong direction, stupidly.
Just turn. The site you seek is now in view.
Rubble has fallen where crosses once stood.
Huge stones have fallen on those shafts of wood,
collaterally when you destroyed this city
and murdered many people without pity.
But, having conquered such an insurrection,
Rome and the Emperor will surely want
to raise up an enduring monument
to this triumph, a permanent erection,
that all men will appraise remarkable---
a compliment that cannot fail to thrill
the austere hackles of the Aelian soul.
And, also with that pleasure comes a great
advantage: to fully appropriate
the Hebrew temple's ruins, and this small hill
(yes, righ there, your eyes have it in sight, still);
and with shrines of pure marble, dedicate
these sites Aphrodite and to Zeus
to make the point to Christians and to Jews
(those who are left and those who will have heard
it elsewhere)---that Rome has the final word.
All this must be the Emperor's intent,
and for the first survey you have been sent.
You found the other; and, here, now, you see---
right down that line---the Skull Hill, Calvary.
Mark it well that you need no longer seek
it. I am glad we had a chance to speak
before your long work. Only time will tell
the cost and the duration. Thus, farewell.




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