When Christ Abolishes All Corporate Customer Service

They say the customer always comes first

(so sat those who hare servile to the dollar):

no matter if the customer is rude;

or speaks with flatulent discourtesy;

or shows of with verbal brutality

with long spates of vulgar profanity;

or in puerile "unhappy camper's" mood,

with voices that have one tone only:  "Holler."


Our customers, with feral rage long cursed,

revert to base neanderthality---


especially during the holidays

that celebrate (if done right) gratitude,

and then our regnant Lord's incarnate Birth

(commencement of His gracious Ministry)

a time supposed to be devout to Praise.

But customers will not give up their ways.


Our Lord has said that this, too, will have passed

abolished from New Heaven and New Earth

when He puts those once loudmouths (once first) . . . dead last.






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