Epigrams On Customer Service

These lines are for the calling customer

whose manner is as nasty as a burr

forced up a rectum, and as arrogant

as some possessing devil ought to want.


Crybabies, cranks and creeps:  demanding their own ways,

our customers can spoil even the finest days.

Their souls have been embalmed but the whole lot

can crawl into manure piled high and rot.


Ambitious, a "Go-Getter," in a hurry,

you speak few words, and in a breathless flurry;

constrained for time, you make your loud demand

with something more important just at hand.

What you might want must be "right now, right fast."

You like to think of yourself, always, first

in life, as in some business competition;

but, focused, you cannot see your condition;

quite anal, you cannot grasp this---accursed,

you are a smudge on life's pane, nor will last.

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