On A Nice Spring Day, Junior High School, 1973

The other day, I asked my unshod Muse,

"Lady, why did you so harshly refuse

"some other poet's plea to take your shoes

"off?"  And she said, "For his blatant abuse

"of language.  He must have been quite obtuse

"to think the plural form of 'You' is 'Youz.'"

"He does not know the proper form to choose.

"And that makes me one to stay in my shoes.


"No loss to him," she said, "as I suppose

"he does not really care for my sheer hose,

"'suntan' style, reinforced around the toes---


"that, in the open, or more privately,

"I do not mind for you to touch . . . or see.

"And, seated right behind you in this row's

"room length, i can tease your back with my toes."




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