Nocturnes: Unheard Message From "Preserver V"

Ths space contains profounest emptiness,

In a fulll circle my sense screens must look

at distant, crimson smears---last of the stars,

and what is left of a vast galaxy.

It pulled apart and spread away---thin, sparse.

I witness heat death, spreading entropy,

A Poet, after all, has programmed me

before launch, from doomed earth, and my escape.

The man likely descended from some ape;

and countless ages past, he wrote a book

of love poems for a girl, Lady Chausette

whose name and image I repeatedly---

in random times and sequences broadcast;

without the choice to change or recompose,

long as the energy I draw shall last:

my driven purpose---function---destiny.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem has been brewing since summer 1974, after I first saw, as an adolescent, the Star Trek episode "The Changeling"; specifically, the monologe spoken by Spock during a mind-meld with the probe, "Nomad."  

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