Erotic Enjoyment At Thebes

[to the memory of Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun]


Nothing on earth can be as beautiful

as two teenagers utterly in love:

almost like Aton in the glory of

his brilliance, or the stars that turn above

our city on these sulty summer nights.

Both Aye ad Horemheb practice their sleights

of hand and word to undermine the reign

of my beloived, who looks very good

when crowned and clad, as any Pharaoh should

be. He looks even better wholly nude

(no leopard's pelt, or linen, to intrude

upon his perfect beauty):  boyish, slim

and without blemish.  Then he comes to me

without the cares of state, and men's deceit;

and that excites my own, enamored mood.

Behind our triply bolted chamber door

we revel in our licit privacy,

beyond the reach of courtier's treachery

and all the false respect they try to feign.

Embraces of all sorts, and by the score,

enable each to touch the other's soul.





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