Two months ago,

I said goodbye.

This pain you put me through,

made me want to cry!

Now my friend is by my side,

and wants to be my lover,

like you.

Should I throw our 3 years,

down the drain?

Lord, what should I do!

I remember driving home one night,

and cried out to God for help...

I said,

Lord, here is my life,

I give it all to you.

I put my life in your hands,

only for you.

I'm stuck here,

torn between 2 lovers...

Please, make them understand!!!

Who am I?

Who is meant for me?

When will I wake up,

when will I see?!!

I'm sick of the lies,

the sluts,

the lust of the flesh,

that bring me down!

I know there's more to life than this,

and I blew it all away,

it's something I missed!!

So now I'm single,

and afraid to be free.

All this fcked up confusion,

is kicking the shit out of me!!

My head is bleeding thoughts,

no one can possibly imagine...

How can I ever trust again.

This world lies and cheats,

and it's called sin...

Get this through your head!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Jason/Phil

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teresa_r's picture

I can so relate to this now I
feel everything in this poem.