
What a position,

I feel hung by a string,

under a strange superstition.

Hungry inside,

but it's not just for food.

In a forever realm of numbness,

one that I don't want to leave!

I know I have to,

it's going to hurt everyone.

It's like a controlling fantasy of life,

until your family comes undone!

The guilt and pain still remains,

but everyone else feels sane.

Can I live for today,

or am I not even here!

Feeling completely lost,

without my best friend near!

I'm literally breaking down,

because of my own stupidity.

I went crazy again,

and have lost all serenity!

B A L A N C E...

is what everyone says to have.

But to go too far,

you're left alone!

No one trusts,

You have no home!

no one lives,

no one helps,

no one will give,

only sympathy for themselves!

Individual bodies,

they have they're own secret intake.

To wonder why it should hurt someone else...

it's my body for goodness sake!!

I am sorry,

I will try my best now to think.

I'll rest first,

before I let myself sink!

I hope this works out,

I will be praying to God...

He's with me,

without a doubt,

waiting with His staff and rod.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Jan. 8, 2004

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Jane M. Matthews's picture

You have a strong point, but your writing is barely mediocre. Don't give up, it seems as if that is what you believe in?