Hocus Pokus


Time can only tell when I'll ever feel normal again,

yet sometimes I just want to stay this way.

I like the person I am right now,

but there are so many things I wish I could change.

My self satisfaction is overflowing this pain inside me,

and if I don't have what keeps me sane,

I go completely crazy!

My friend gives me a little push,

and keeps me calm for a while.

Then when I'm home again,

I look for another reason to act like a child.

I do have my good points,

but it's so hard to focus.

I just finished my last 2 joints,

and I'm now playing

*H O C U S  

P O K U S*

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dec. 27, 2003

View cnsfreebird3's Full Portfolio
cnsfreebird3's picture

You can take your snobby attitude & shove it up your own ass... isn't that where it came from?

u's picture

"u need to take god and shove him up your ass".words of wisdom?