Confused reality



I get afraid of the eerie sensation of déjà vu

Is it a repressed memory flipping a switch?

Or a combination of things I may have seen,

Mixed with distorted voices from a distant dream.


The peculiar feeling comes out of nowhere,

Distorting all accustomed perceptions.

A sudden familiarity of a subconscious memory,

A vague recollection of feeling that has no name.


It conveys a fear of complex imaginary sensations,

Threatening feelings of imminent doom.

A sense of horrible fear that I’ve felt this before,

My heart starts thundering, feeling dizzy and sick.


This is an elusive place between physical sensation

and a distorted emotional state of mind .

Am I in some other time and place,

Looking in on the window of the soul?


Mysterious reflections and recollections

Viewed from another time and place

I know that I’ve heard the same thing

Existed in this very same place


Am I dead?  Do I breath no more?

Destined to living things over and over?

Can you be dead when you still seem alive?

Or is it an instinctual reaction to the unknown?


Echoed illusions of jumbled experiences,

Tricks of the mind, duplications of what has gone before. 

Paralleled reflections in pools of the mind,

Mingling what is now and what has previously been.


This shadowy feeling happens out of nowhere

An internal experience no one can share.

Science is unable to explain the phenomena,

Coinciding memories and conscious thought.

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Mardigan's picture

Awesome write, very complex

Awesome write, very complex yet eloquent. Very nice 

nightlight1220's picture

It is the awareness that the

It is the awareness that the reality we 'believe in' is not what we are at all. Nice write!!


I have not always viewed it in this way with the clarity I do today...the movie 'the butterfly effect' with ashton kutcher caused me to think of it differently.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "