A Warrior

what is it thous t that comet h to this warrior with the tongue of a dove a heart of an angle and eyes of the blue sky? Thoust the warrior weary from his many battles and daily strife's to conform to civilian life, he struggles dreams and devils from the perils of the fight weary just looking for the light. He crossed the path one night on detail unexpected he stood up for to extend the plight of the needs of his other life. He said hello to an angel who saved his life on this night he saw a glimmer of life hope that he might live another night with peace and love in his life she spoke and breathed life back into his spiral plight and with a look he new she would be his wife one day if he could sustain a change of thoughts of a toss away helping her the angel that saved his life would she hold on to the warrior that hast loved her all his short life for a bullet he had laid many nights awaiting a warriors death to end his daily strife to give to those who cannot fight for there right to live a happy life a life to laugh love and live walk talk and have a fighting chance just a smile a look a love you gave to me hold me least i fall loving you or smash me least i die having loved the one who loved me back giving my life for a cause built for war saving and giving hope to those who cannot stand but when I touch you like this hold you like that it always seems right then we are one I kiss you like this you love me like this...least I die for a cause by the sword love me forever or not at all... a warrior I will be for life love i have for you will be forever..a bullet I wish daily till you remind me you love me for life day after day i ask why not me prove to me my strife mien Kemp my life how people disregard feelings of want greed angry for the greatest thing in life is love how simple how complex but life is love cherish it while it is simple all i ask for is to breath my next breath and to cherish another day i woke up and have shoes and you the love of my life i know complex i know death and destruction rage hate sadness and life peace you give me a glimpse of a life i can love and cherish you..this is my daily strife.A smile a look and love i feel when I hold you...for this it sustains the strife love you doll

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captivatingly wonderful!

captivatingly wonderful!