007 (12/16/09) If I Were a Chair, What Kind Would I Be?

Poetry from 2009


If I Were a Chair, What Kind Would I Be?

by Elizabeth Van Cleve (December 16, 2009)


I am a rocking chair

with a comfortable cushion

I am where storybooks are read

by mamas to their children

older children to their siblings

grandmothers to their grandchildren


I rock babies to sleep

cuddled within loving arms

against a warm and tender beating heart


I move with those seated with me

we become one rhythm

one flowing movement

of life


I am old, traditional

a chair that doesn't need replacing

I am a welcomed part

of the family


I am where my children go

to work things out

rock off their cares


I am sturdy

I am strong

The times spent with me

are remembered



I move around the house

the living room, the family room

the bedroom


I go where the people are

where family lives


I am loved, because

I am unique

the only chair like me

yet, I don't rock alone


I am all about 

others, sharing time with them

I am all about 

us, sharing memories

even when the one who visits me

thinks she's all alone.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written the last day of English 100.  It was a freewrite assignment written in ten minutes.

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If i were a chair:



I am realy impressed that you wrote this within 10 minutes for an English assignment. Loved your thoughts as you say creating memories with family is important. A good read, I enjoyed your poem.


