Seeing that person as your everything, you cant REMEMBER life before them and you cant PICTURE it without them, every time you see them, you want THAT moment to just stand still so you at least have each other for eternity; you get lost in their endearing eyes, you'd give up your life, your death, and everything in between for them, when you question your self worth and wonder why they are even with you, when you look at your self in the mirror and go "I am the luckiest person alive" just because you’ve got them, when you constantly bicker with your self in your mind about how they should have someone better than you but your too selfish to really let them go, when all the fear drains away when they hold you close, when just the sound of their voice can calm an ocean, when you want them like a wave wants the shore line- you just got to have it. When you can laugh at and with each other and your self and when they are around, you find complete comfort in them, yourself and everything around you then, and only then, is it true love....

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