
Cire Freemind

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

My name isn't important; you will know my by my pseudonym. I represent something greater than one man -- I represent a freedom of the mind from the shackles of social constructs and political agendas.

My body is 26 years old, but my soul is much older. I have been here many times before, occupying different vessels, learning more and more about life each time. I have found my Twin Flame, but we are currently apart; sometimes, distance is necessary for one to achieve their Personal Legend, because true love never hinders growth -- it inspires it.

I have an artist page on Facebook: Please feel free to follow me there. I am trying to succeed as an artist, so it requires me to have an active presence across as many mediums as possible. I will be using PostPoems as an archive of sorts -- for those among you that truly resonate with the title of artist, you can understand my apparent scattered brain. I have spent most of my life dodging structure as if it were an allergy, but maturity has finally cemented within me its true purpose. My Personal Legend demands that I obtain diligence, patience, discipline, and an unparalleled work ethic.

I have several projects in the works, one of which includes myself among a roster of four artists on an independent record label: Misfitted Lid Productions. The other artists are Lazyrus, Lissa Roads, and Nick Givechi. We each have accounts on ReverbNation, as well as at least one song a piece. These songs are our original Spoken Word pieces set to music produced in-house by Lazyrus. Feel free to check us out!

I truly love people and making connections; please feel free to (digitally) approach me and ask/tell me anything. I am a great listener, and provide fantastic advice, if asked for! I will never impress upon you my opinion of your situation without consent and encouragement. I believe strongly in community building. Add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr, and let's connect! Art will save this world; after all, the Earth without Art is just Eh. ; )

Website(s) or Email

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

"The Earth without Art is just Eh." -Unknown

"Eternity is in love with the creations of Time." -William Blake

"If you're not careful, the media will have you loving the oppressors and hating the oppressed." -Malcolm X


Member for
9 years 51 weeks