I sit here and think of you
I wonder are you thinking of me to
I sit here and day dream
as i watch the water run i the stream
I sit here stare at the sun
Even though it's not fun
I sit here everyday all alone
as i hear your ringtone
I sit here daze up at the stars
Knowing your not near yet so far
I sit here feeling and hearing my heart
Realizing that we are far apart
I sit here everyday
Trying to find my way
I sit here trying not too miss you
Yet still feeling very blue
I sit here always remembering you
Knowing your love was very true
I sit here feeling so blue
Are you missing me too?
Written by
Cindy M. Bucknam
We never truly lose our loved
We never truly lose our loved ones if they remain in our hearts.
i bet he misses you to
i bet he misses you to
ron parrish
never know.
never know.
Cindy Marie Bucknam
i guess we don`t,,but we can
i guess we don`t,,but we can believe
ron parrish