She's My Best Friend


                                                            "She's My Best Friend"

She's my Best Friend

  She's wiped the tears

She's my friend till the end

  She's been there for years

She's sat there beside me

  She's hugged me tight

She's always there even at Three

  She's my Best Friend,it Feels so right

She's my Best friend yes it's true

  She's always there when the time is in need

She's always there when i'm blue

  She's always there to make me believe

She's there when i'm smiling

  She's there when i'm in tears

She's there as a friend and as a sister

  She's been there for 10 years

She is my Best Friend

 My friend yes in deed

She is my Best Friend

  My Best friend till the endInnocent

Written By:

    Cindy M. Bucknam


This is written for my best friend Mary Lantych 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have written this for my Best Friend Mary, she has been with me for 10 years going to be 11 this year and i couldn't ever ask for a better friend,sister,companion. She definately is true to me in each ad everyway possible... So once you got a real friend in your life and they have stuck by you through your worst times ever and they still there that is a true friend cause true friends never walk away.. i got mine and nobody can take it from me

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Friends rock! :D slc