Rebel without a clue

  Backed up against the wall

tears ran dry about an hour ago

bloody knuckles and a broken heart

a genuine loner,middle class upstart

torn up jacket and blood-shot eyes

the pack descends again on this young man's pride

beaten and alone and a rebel soul

his once warm heart has now grown cold

sees each day as a day to fight

against each citizen using all his might

to retaliate against an upper hand

that caused his own break down in his home land

He sees each helping hand as a decieving foe

and each pat on the back as a fatal blow

He stands nearly dead but with his head up high

A confused rebel who dares not ask why

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Joyce Counts's picture

Tripp, I found this piece to be another powerful one. It seems that you have not been very idle in your young life. Later,Joyce/Spanky