Shattered Angel

Would an angel cry if he could see the ground

What does it sound like when an angel screams

Is it a sound we've all heard echoing in our dreams

WHen an angel falls is there a sound

What does it sound like when the angel hits the ground

Even if no one's around

Even if it's body is never found

Can an angel live if it's body is so hollow

All the joys lost in the sorrow

Eaten from the inside

It's body blown open wide

Would an angel cry if it could see the ground

Or would it simply smile and know

At least he can see the end of his road

Because we all fall someday

We all fall someday

When the sky pushes us away

And the sunlight fades to grey

An angel wouldn't cry just because it could see the ground

WHen an angel falls there is a sound

What does it sound like when the angel hits the ground

Even if no one's around

Even if it's body is never found

It is a sigh

Heard from so high

The time has come, it always does

To come crashing from above

An angel sighs because he knows

At least he can see the end of his road

We all fall someday

We all fall someday

And when you can see the ground spiraling from so high

Will you cry and scream

Or will you simply smile and sigh

There is an end to every dream

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