

Who are you to look at me?

From your glass world where you are free

To feel and do, think as you please

To never feel the pain of tease

How could you let me get sucked in?

When you KNEW that it would just end

When the truth shows up like it always does

Shrug your shoulders...Just because...

How dare you look at me so?

You could never ever know

From your glass world where you are king

Where all your dreams never break wing

Damn you, Self, for judging me

If I could only set you free

Oh the havoc we could wreak

Damn you, Me, for being weak.

But no, I have to be just me

Not this figure that I see

Oh, Self, you'll always just watch me

From beyond the glass, where you are free

Reach inside and pull it out

Throw it down and wipe it out

Write it down and rub it out

Pull it out...Rip it out

Fold it up...Seal it up

Tie it up....Lock it up

Wrap it up...Ball it up

Lock it up...Seal it up

Lock it up and throw away

Tie it up and hide away

Wrap it up and lock away

Ball it up and burn away

Thank you, Self, for taking this from me

Now I can pretend that I am free

Empty now, so very fine

Now you don't have to hear me whine

But it's not gone, just hid away

To face again another day

It will be back in not time at all

Damn you, Me...Damn it all

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Animal Rights Coalition's picture


Mel Mar's picture

that poem was awesome...i like your writing style...good poem