The Things I Left Behind


The things I left behind

All those silly little things I thought were mine

The things I left behind

When I left my world thinking everything would be fine

Yellow clouded my eyes as I ran away, every day I pay in blood

Dark gray skies and rain is falling, and I'm crawling through the mud

Yesterday is fading into the darkness of my mind

Tomorrow is waiting to see what I'll find

My little pretend world where everything is fine

Where everything is dandy just like I made it in my mind

But I'm always missing the things I left behind

Where the skies always seem brighter and the moon would always shine

But I look up and see the sky

Sometimes even wonder why

While I can feel my mind slowly die

And wishing I knew how to cry

I thought that things would be better

If I could just get away from my pain

The sicknes eating me slowly inside

But enough whining

Fuck you

Fuck you

And fuck you too

That little whiny bitch stuff just isn't funny

Makes me wanna' kick my own ass and take my lunch money

Bowing and scraping just doesn't fit

I dont think I'm gonna' take any more of this shit

I'll claw my way out of this dark pit

And find those fates and make them drink my spit

No more crying or whining, and no I'm not dying

No more crawling or falling, I've grown my wings and now I'm flying

Fuck you

Fuck you

And fuck you too

I'm gonna' go on even if everything's not just fine

You can stab me in the heart, but you won't hear me whine

Everything that I'm missing will be mine

All the things I left behind

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