the dark place i took you to~

In Cold Blood.

when all that glistens,

comes to pass, through my hands,

involved with my thoughts, evolving this dream,

the courtesy of your sweetness,

the endeavors of my cleverness

i know, to be forced, by need, out of the lonely darkness

of loves existing

and without  it, one would die trying,

to suffice the beast of one's greed

i dare, whatever it is i've been lacking,

to see clear enough, to know what i do is going to affect me more than you, but that's just what i do,

and how i feel, what would be,

if mere words were the bond of our breaking

as romance becomes a foundation, saying things we would,

if we could only mean them truly, in all our sincerity, to those close enough to walk away from,

but silence has a will of it's own,

and just as you turn to speak, the moments gone

the everlasting what if, lingers in my mind as i fantasize

about your hair, and my fingers running through it,

just amplified to extreme sensations of my everything,

with a quiver down inside, i risk the tell all

of my obsessions, obsessively, i'm swept off my feet

with no one there to catch me, all because i talk big,

with less action, captured in an arrest of desires, burning. you ruined everything.

you  never seen the down side, did you?

where time has a place, and a purpose

uncommited to the unreality of what i had in mind

as opposed to what's been served:

A daydream, fit for a prince-

but you give me cold feet, as together we dance, in a downward spiral of words and character phrases,

learning how to root ourselves deep

in the mystery of our attempt at belonging,

i cut myself free-

these eyes can tell something thats far too good to be true

before it ever hurts me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A second guess,
Put to rest~

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A second guess, Put to rest~

thank goodness, however if you never second guess at all you could easily become nieve. so don't think of it as a second guess, think of it s a very in depth look at the situation. your good at that!
all my love