From the first day that we met, i've been infatuated
hanging by the thread of a moment in time, frozen
with my eyes inspired, by you, wrapped up in the way
your hair fell in your face, that mouth that spoke hello,
those same lips that held me captivated by your smile, (blissful)
like i could recognize the beauty inside, as well as out
you shone so bright, the stars fell scattered that night
upon a wishful boy, admiring you, and yet, you couldn't know
there's nothing more tragic, than the secret withheld,
but good cause is justifiable, and it's not likely,
you'd understand, how taken i was, like you reminded me,
of someone i could love,
so, from afar i lit my candles, and watched them burn,
as so many random times by chance that we occured,
since then, i've yearned like a flower for the sunshine of your light
to envelope my nerve, to share this with you,
you are, beautiful.
[there's a pedestal here, for you, always.]
christopher ryan. the poet.
Hey HanDSoME!!!
WeLL i JusT WaNTeD To teLL U THaT, ThaT waS The SweEtEst ThiNG N*E*OnE haS EveR DoNE For ME AND iT MeNT A LoT!!! YoU wiLL aLwAyS Be MaH BuDDiE ANd i WiLL LoVE YoU FoReVER!! iF U EvEr NeED Ne THiNG iM aLwaYs HErE!!! ANd ToO aLL u GirLS WHo REad THiS PoEM!! Yes THiS WOnDERfUL SWeeT PoEM Was FoR ME!!! SO0o0 HaHa!!! BeT U GUyS WiSH U HaD SoMEOnE WHoS So0o SWEEt To WRiTE u A PoEM LiKE THaT!!! HEHE
i LoVE YoU aLwaYs CHriS,
LoVE LiL Kay!!!