an unveiled [ f ]law

Shadow Variations.

strange verses of a cryptic nature

come unraveling like thread

from the torn fabric

of my inner work,


these thoughts reflected

shine an introspective light

that glares off

indirect elements of underlying, and hidden

ambiguously subliminal, messages-

be it the power of suggestion,

or the things i wont honestly, forwardly

come out and say,

because standing behind insecurity

is safely protected

from you damaging my sensitivity,


all because, outwardly right

you don't know how to react

to my intensity,

or maybe,

by responding to intent

you leave yourself open,

to be taken by advantage.

i guess you also deal

in ism's

of an unsaid taboo ritual

of hieroglyphics.

how ironically twisted,

and how shamefully human,


things wouldn't have to be,

like that between, only if

WE could be true enough,

to oursleves, and one another

free of the weakness of defense,

that seperates

and whether

either of us is willing

is yet to be seen,

or said

the reality of it is,

more complicated than

the lack of abrasive communication,

that gets under your skin

when turning stones like truth

is settling into

the depth of a realization,

such as this.

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the gift you have with words; i will expect this from you now. i see, that it is not a fluke that i am so drawn to your words.
you are gifted ;)