Until We Can Fall Asleep

With sweat dropping down from this guitar

These tired strings will play until they break off

That’s when we’ll scream our lungs all our body allows

These calessed fingers will play until arthritis kicks in

All the years we spent working days for our nights

It’s the only way we knew to be, and we can talk change;

We can talk of how things were

But when the music hits with instant reassurance, things will always be the same

Another six am finding yourself alone

‘Cause the party ended hours ago

Questioning in the next couple of years, where you’re going to be

But in this moment, it doesn’t even matter

Raised fists, half pints of our favorite beer

The songs of our youth will guide us through yet another year

And we will, we will sing for in this moment we know what it means to be completely free

And we will, we will sing, the same songs on repeat until we can fall asleep

And we will, we will sing ‘cause sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps us sane

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

really like this and can relate to it. I too play guitar-acoustic. there are times alone I get it out and I find playing it not only brings me joy of music, but a tranquility you don't get in other ways. It's connecting with the instrument, the music and the moment that you can't quite put into words to explain to another unless you play yourself..Kind of like writing poetry...