


I hate baseball
I'd rather go to
the dentist.
I'd rather see, have filled
a cavity,
I would rather have awake day surgery
See, that would be more fun for me.
I hate baseball.
All the time in that hard chair.  I really don'y care.
All the time in that hard seat.  See, not for a treat.  Not really neat.
Would rather volunteer,
would shed no tears,
at the most annoying job
I have had.
I, when quit was so glad.
There are a million and one
things, it is true.
That I would rather do.

I hate baseball.
Baseball hours more than two.
I have nothing to do.
Sometimes hours three,
boring to me.
Baseball takes too, too, long.
So hard to be strong.
I hate baseball
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This poem reminded me of my

This poem reminded me of my own dislike of baseball, decades ago, which was based upon my father's obvious (and often expressed) disappointment that, from preschool age, I was not athletic, being both myopic and clumsy (due to possible nerve damage that afflicted me in my mother's womb), and eventually came to prefer poetry books to playbooks.  After adolescence began, I had some very serious, and pleasant, crushes on certain athletes in junior and senior high school; but no desire to participate with them in . . . uh . . . team sports.
