I believe arguments are actually good for relationships. Reasons why I think this:
1. It allows people to talk and work things out.
2. If people are able to do this, it shows the relationship is strong, because it can pass that test. If it does not, it was not that strong.
3. In this kind of situation, people free to expeess themselves. They may not have been before. They may have gone along with what the other person said, because they were afraid of the feelings of the other person. Thus exposing fear in a relationship, which there should not be.
4. Finally, there is the after effect of that, which can bring people closer together.
5. Now, a lot of arguments are not good for relatiobships, but a little is ok. This is especially interesting when we note that people are inherently different. Thus, they will have different ideas on things.
There is a huge difference in arguments and domestic violence. I liked this and agree with most of it.
if arguing was good for a relationship then the term "domestic violence" wouldn't exist.