The leaves on the trees.

     Leaves of orange, brown, and green.

    Out my window, they can be clearly, seen.

      They blow in the breeze.

      As the trees, the breeze does tease.

    It really me, you see, does please.

     Looking at it all, this season called fall.

   There's no rhyme or reason.

  The trees by the brick wall.

  I watch the leaves fall.

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wonderful... the poem is done in very rhythmic way and can be visualized too... thanks for comments.. hope your comments on my other poems will be there in litle detailed form to add your comments in my new book... your poetry is really impressive and meaningful.... I am known as peace wiher poet and here is my famous say ....((( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...afzal shauq )))hope you keep this say in record and pass on to your friends and fans..