I want to be rubbed. I want to be loved.
I want to be hugged. I want to be mugged.
I want to be bugged. I want to be tugged.
Please love me.
You fit me snug as a glove.
I hope that you I do not bug.
It is you I want to hug.
Your name and a heart are on my kitchen mug.
Please love me.
I only hope that it is true for you too.
There are so many things that I want to do with you.
I want you. I need you.
My heart bleeds for you.
I've got to have you in my life.
I would like to have you as my wife.
Please love me.
You are my desire. You are my fire.
Of you, I never tire.
The feelings of love I have for you, get higher and higher.
They will never expire.
Oh, please love me.
Yeah, please love me.