The hills have eyes.

             So do the skies.

             The land does too.  Yes, it's true.

             The mountains; they are wise.  

             The trees sometimes wear a disguise.

             The plains have their highs and possess

             a great brain.

             All can see through the lies.


             They all have ears.

             They all can cry tears of rain from the sky.

             Tears of rain.

             Tears of pain.

             They all have fear.    

             This Earth they hold so dear.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

a good poem with new idea and it very much..hope you read through my poems too friend

Ursula Steinhauser's picture

This is a very inspiring little poem!
It stirs thoughts, sets questions and wants us to pay more attention to our environment.
As I live with nature consciously and I sove hills, mountains and trees most - I can so well understand your lines and feel their deep message.
Kind regards