That's my everybody see, always said to me.

          That's what they always said.

  These thoughts were always in my head.

   I think them, as I laid in my bed.

    Because I said so.

     They told this boy that about toys,

  When to look at books.  

  When to do my work from school.  This is not cool.

   They told me what time to go to bed.

     What foods to put in my head.

   Because I said so.

   All about my friends.  Does this ever end?

  They told me what TV shows and what movies I could watch.

  Out how late, I could stay.

   With whom I could play.

  They always got their way.

  Because I said so.

  What video games I could play, and for how long.

  They were strong.

    When I could date.

  This was not great.


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I hate when parents tell their kids "because I said so" as if they don't deserve an explanation for why they've been told to do something. I admit that I've said it a few times personally but I do try to not say it at all, but it's in my system after having heard it so often while growing up.

I like your thoughts.