
                  Game over.

              The story was fun.

              The song is done.

              The painting is fading.

              The war, fought with a gun is won.

              Setting is the sun.

              Gone is the fun.

                 Game over.

              We are over.

              Behind us, are the white cliffs of Dover.

              Tiffs turned to fights.

              Soon, out went out lights.

               No longer are we wed.

                  Game over.

              We no longer have talks.

              We are on the rocks.

              We are like mice getting attacked by hawks.

              A disease getting attacked by docs.

                    Game over.

  I have been fed.  In bed, is where I'm going to put my head.

  My job, I got fired.  It, I am no longer wired for.

  I shut the door.

  My job, I quit.

                  Game over.

  I have been yearning for the lamp of learning.  It is lit.  

  No longer do I wonder why I stay.  

  It is no longer ok.

  Some other job, I am going to try.

              Game over.

              Game over.

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