

          I had a date with

          a police officer.

          A date with a police officer.

          A date with a police officer.

       When I first saw her, when I first saw her.

       These words were ringing in my head.

       "You're under arrest for stealing my heart."

       "You're under arrest for stealing my soul."


        As I sat and looked at her,

        As I sat and looked at her,

     these words were ringing in my mind.

       "I want the right to remain silent."

   Yeah, "I want the right to remain silent."

           She was beautiful.        

           She was beautiful.

           She was beautiful.


        these other words were ringing in my head.

       these other words were ringing in my head.

        "You have the right to a lawyer."

        "You have the right to a lawyer."

        "You have the right to a lawyer."

           That is good,

          because I need to talk to somebody

     who can help me think of

      the right words to say to

  my date, the police officer.

            And that was

          my date with a police officer.

          My date with a police officer.

          My date with a police officer.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was based on something Jackie said on Roseanne, and my friend Mike who had a date with, yes, a police officer.

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Lesa Gay's picture

It is funny how inspiration will come to us in the oddest way. LOL I love Roseanne and the segmants were Jackie was on the police force, especially my favorites.

I bet it would be quite different to date a cop. Especially when it is the man that is doing the dating.

I liked the thoughts that you wrote for your friend.

Always a pleasure to visit you.


honey811's picture

that was really good and it did keep to my attention,but there was alot of repeating,