My mom and dad.
I am here, and you are there.
You still worry about me.
I see.
You, if there was a problem, would still hurry
to be with me.
You still love to child me.
It does not matter if the pain is
mild or harsh.
It does not matter if you are in
a Barnstable marsh.
My mom and dad.
A loving, caring, touch, you have.
I can tell that you love and care for me
so much.
I know, if I ever had a problem,
you would be there.
My mom and dad.
Years have gone by.
Nights and dawns.
We all get older.
We all get bolder.
But, there are still tears.
But, there are still fears.
We would not be bold, if there were no tears.
We would not be bold, if there were no fears.
My mom and dad.
I love you.
Yes us parents will alway fret over our babies. LOL Nice that you recognize the even distance cannot keep that from being a fact.