
                     A bullet in my brain.

                 It will take away all the pain.

              A pain that's insane.

              Insane as a freight train or a heavy rain.

                A bullet in my head.

               I can finally lie on heaven's bed.

       You see, me.  I can finally be free.

              I can rest in peace.

                 All this can cease.

                I'm finally home.  No longer afraid and alone.

                    I'll get my heavenly wings.  Listen to the beautiful songs the angels sing.

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Don't commit suicide, especially not by bullet, surprisingly-I've heard- that many people who are shot in the head do survive, then, you have a bigger problem after the attempt than before you tried.

From what I've learned through accurate Bible study, only those that God chooses will go to heaven, others will continue to live on the earth, awaiting an eventual paradise. The book of Revelations(last Bible book) shares some of this information with readers, I forgot which chapter(s).