Going from and to, yes I like to do.
To go, I always said yes, not no.
I loved the ride. Feelings I could not hide.
It gave this boy a lot o joy.
Middle school was so cool.
I loved all the people there. I loved the energy see, and excite; really a delight.
Loved the excite and energy; fun for me.
Cookie see, played basketball.
While she did that, I;d watch.
Though, sometimes, I would explore the halls.
One time, she called a ride. It did not come.
That was fine. I called mine. It was there quick. We got in, and were on the way home.
We lived to each other, right next door.
Getting home, an easy chore.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Cookie played basketball at a middle school.
I went for fun.
When I went to school, in the
When I went to school, in the days of the dinosaurs, we called it "junior high." But, by whatever name, you have described it very well. This poem revived some memories for me.