I can't let go..

When I told you I love you I meant it..

When you say try to forget what I feel my heart sinks.. You say we should be just friends it breaks. You don't how much I love you.. You love me but just as a friend.. I have enough love for the both of us. I am not use to saying I love you because I have never really meant it this way, I have never really been so crazy about someone in my life... I look at old pictures it doesn't bring me sadness only joy...and when we look at them together you say you look ugly or fat I think to my self how could a girl this perfect find imperfections .. You don't need to say that...! I think you are the most special,gorgeous,hilarious,sexy,love able girl I will ever meet... What I am saying is a lot of emotional stuff. I know it is too much for you I'm sorry... I should keep my distance because all I will bring you is heartbreak and confusion... I'm no good for you yet you are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the thing of my dreams..I can wait countless years for you but it will be the saddest most heart breaking time In my life but the very second I hold you none of that matters the only thing I will think of is how to hold you tighter and tighter and never dream of letting you go.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This just happened to me

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