The Shadow Man

I see him, the shadow man, walking across the desolate plane of existance, looking to find the end.  Staring in all directions, only to find darkness surrounding him, the absence of light.  So on he walks, not knowing where his is going or where he came from.  He represents all of us, we are him, the shadow man.  Not knowing our purpose, we are just like him.  we have no idea of what we will become, we only wish to change the past for our benefit, never for others.  We are selfless, soulless creatures put on this earth for some twisted animals amusment.  We need to find a higher plane of living, of being.  We live to much in the past, never looking to our future.  Man will never shed his instincts, his stereotypes, his hatred for his peers.  Not until the shadow man finds the end.  Neither future is looking to bright.  I leave you with but three words.  Test the limits.

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Lindsey F's picture

you're very talented. did i see Kurt Cobain in your profile? how swell. keep up the good work.