I Wanna Go "Home"


This place I call my own

This "home" of which you speak

I have a detailed thought

On what it should be

You're surrounded by familiar faces

Maybe not family, but friends

They smile at you for your triumphs

And console you when you fail

They help you up when you fall

They always lend an ear when you need one

This "home" you speak so dearly of

Is it a place for creativity?

Spirituality? Solitude?

Please tell me all you know

Because I don't have a place like that

A place where I am always happy to simply be

Smiles, I rarely see

At least, ones that are directed at me

Please, take me to your "home"

Because I just want a place to call my own

I wanna go "home".

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I avoid my family...and they avoid me...so how can one call that "home" ?

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