I sit down and try to eat
Ignoring the yelling I hear
Coming from outside
I knew even before it happened
That it would end up inside
And sure enough it did.
My brother was tossed inside
And landed on the front steps
My stepfather; red-faced and yelling
Grabbed him by the arm
And pulled him up the stairs
"Stop!" I wanted to scream
"You're hurting him, Get off!!"
But my brave little brother
Summoned all of his courage
And yelled it for me
"You're not my Father!!" He screamed
"Get off!!"
And sure enough he did
Now, my mother was on offense
And she screamed at my stepfather
Her face turning red also
When all was finally settled
My mother became defensive
She knows how much I hate him
And I've told her once before
She said, "My son, you must learn respect."
And I clenched my teeth
Trying so hard not to cause trouble
But then she said he had right
That a man; a stranger
Only a part of my family by marriage
Was allowed to hit my little brother
I wouldn't have it
So I calmy started that I
Would not tollerate it
She; my Mother
Hates being corrected
So I was sentenced to my room
Having finished only half of my sandwitch
And so here I sit
Waiting for my Father
TO come and save us
But that's another story
For another day