Coffee Shop Poetry

There is something about this place,

It takes me back in time,

To days when love was simple,

And my life felt like a waste.

The faces that walk through the door,

They are older and no longer familiar

Even the pictures on the wall are different.

But then it's been 15 years or more.

I used to come every day,

Coffee in hand

Poetry on the brain,

How time slips away.

Coffee Shop poetry, some of the best I ever wrote.

I'd scribble it on a napkin,

Or use the old desktop computer that once sat in the corner

Sometimes I'd leave it behind as a note.

I don't know if the words I left behind ever reached a lost soul,

I like to think they helped heal someone's broken heart.

That they dried as many tears as I cried writing them. 

Perhaps leaving the broken once again whole.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written at Java Roaster in Lafayette, IN

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Poetry left behind as a note

Poetry left behind as a note to encourage someone . . . what a concept!
