No one knew that beyond the closed artery
there laid a beating heart
In the corners of the lonely night
there exists a blinking star
A scream from an old goose
informs of a party
tired feet of a thought
roots from within
There is no belief in flight
One day a dream shall blow itself up
till it reaches the moon
I'll color it blue
It's the sky itself
I have given mysterious names to the flowers I shall grow
so the deer won't eat them
I have reshaped some of today's incidences
to fit in the map of my life
and ripped a big piece that never fit
Now there is a big hole in my life's map
some times a young girl's screams is heard from the hole
she winks at me
Then the sound of a man playing the flute near a blue river calms her
the girls sleeps in the deep dark hole
Now I need to hop on one foot around the Map
If all is well
no sound, no cry
I'll take a colored picture and hang the map on a ceiling
Then smile to all the negatives and every knife
I'll make a note
"Do not Enter"
Will hang it above the Map
There is a man still playing the flute
a young girl is having a sweat dream till eternity
Dreaming of strawberries
This time when she wakes up
New woman!
with hands that can grow lemon trees
hands that can give, grow, birth
till there is the glorious sound of music.
May 2010
beautiful indeed
the art form in which language lends itself to truth and beauty be it written or oral relates to lifes basic elements.
This poem contain the essence of both, you have a special talent, you are the story teller. You are the art form that has always been and will always resonate within the human soul.
"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"
Dylan Eliot
Thank you
Thank you so much for your kind words! I was so waiting for any critique on my poetry. I have many poems like this and now I am encouraged to find the time to type and post them. :)